William Snider
Dr. Snider received his B.S. degree in Mathematics and his M.D. degree from
the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), then went on to receive his medical
training at the Beth Israel Hospital (Harvard Medical School) and New York Hospital
- Cornell Medical Center, and postdoctoral training in Physiology & Biophysics
at Washington University (St. Louis) School of Medicine. He served on the Faculty
of Washington University School of Medicine for fifteen years in the Departments
of Neurology and Neurobiology. In 1999 he moved to UNC-Chapel Hill, where he is
currently a Professor of Neurology and Cell and Molecular Physiology in the School
of Medicine and Director of the UNC Neuroscience Center. He has been named as
a Decade of the Brain Lecturer of the American Academy of Neurology, a Presidential
Special Lecturer of the Society for Neuroscience, and has been a recipient of
a Jacob Javits Award (NINDS). He has served on the editorial Board of the journal
Neuron since 1995 and currently serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee of
the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. His research interests are in the molecular
bases of growth factor signaling and axon growth.