Matthew Kelley
Matthew Kelley received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and
his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia where he studied development and regeneration
of mechanosensory hair cells with Jeffrey Corwin. As a postdoctoral fellow he
studied the determination of cell fate in the vertebrate retina with Thomas Reh
at the University of Washington. In 1996 he became an Assistant Professor at Georgetown
University in Washington, D.C. and in 2000 he moved to the National Institute
on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) at the NIH. He is now a
Senior Investigator and Head of the Section on Developmental Neuroscience at NIDCD.
The interests of his laboratory are focused on identifying the cellular, molecular
and genetic factors that specify the development of individual cell types within
the sensory epithelia of the mammalian inner ear. His laboratory is also interested
in understanding how the morphological development of the coiled mammalian cochlea
plays a role in cellular patterning within the cochlear sensory epithelium.