Takeda, M., Sami, M. M., and Wang, Y.-C. (2018) A homeostatic apical microtubule network shortens cells for epithelial folding via a basal polarity shift. Nature Cell Biology 20: 36-45.
[Pub Med] [Nature Cell Biology]
[新着論文] 微小管ネットワークおよび細胞の極性に依存的な上皮組織の折りたたみ構造の形成機構 (Japanese review)
Wen, F.-L., Wang, Y.-C., and Shibata, T. (2017) Epithelial Folding Driven by Apical or Basal-Lateral Modulation: Geometric Features, Mechanical Inference, and Boundary Effects. Biophysical Journal 112: 2683-2695.
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Khan, Z., Wang, Y.-C., Wieschaus, E. F. and Kaschube, M. (2014) Quantitative 4D analyses of epithelial folding during Drosophila gastrulation. Development 141: 2895-2900.
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Gavin-Smyth, J., Wang, Y.-C., Butler, I. and Ferguson, E. L. (2013) A genetic network conferring canalization to a bistable patterning system in Drosophila. Current Biology 23: 2296-2302.
[Pub Med] [Current Biology]
Wang, Y.-C., Khan, Z., and Wieschaus, E. F. (2013) Distinct Rap1 activity states control the extent of epithelial invagination via α-Catenin. Developmental Cell 25: 299-309.
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Wang, Y.-C., Khan, Z., Kaschube, M. and Wieschaus, E. F. (2012) Differential positioning of adherens junctions is associated with initiation of epithelial folding. Nature 484: 390-393.
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Selected in: Mechanisms of Morphogenesis. Cell 149: 503-505.
Wang, Y.-C. and Ferguson, E. L. (2005) Spatial bistability of Dpp-receptor interactions during Drosophila dorsal-ventral patterning. Nature 434: 229-234.
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[Pub Med] [Developmental Cell]