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Shosei Yoshida is a Japanese scientist studying the mouse spermatogenesis and its stem cells, at National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB), Okazaki, as a professor of Division of Germ Cell Biology since 2008.
He is interested in dynamical aspects of stem cells, with regard to their localization, motion, and fate behaviors in the testis. To this end, his group takes advantages of combination of intravital live-imaging, fate analysis of pulse-labeled cells, and biophysical analysis in collaboration with Ben Simons of Cambridge. Shosei discovered reversible potential of differentiation-destined cells to return to the stem cell pool, which play important roles in regeneration. Their live imaging revealed the active stem cell migration near vasculature, and the breakdown of intercellular bridges between spermatogonia, which have been believed to be a perdurable structure. These findings have lead to dynamical and stochastic stem cell models underlying long-term homeostasis in tissues harboring a facultative stem cell niche.