Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline

Registration is now CLOSED. Thank you for your active registration. E-mail will be sent to participants directly in August 2015.
Registration deadline (extended!): Friday, July 17, 2015 Friday, July 24, 2015.

Number of Participants

Approximately 100.

Participation Fee

General Participant: 4,000 JPY (Lunch 1,000 JPY / Banquet 3,000 JPY)
Student: 1,000 JPY (Lunch 1,000 JPY / Banquet FREE)

* Participation fee will be collected in cash in Japanese yen on the event day. Any cancellation after Friday, September 4, will not be accepted.
* Lunch on September 9 and/or accommodations must be arranged by the individuals.

To Register

Registration is now CLOSED. Thank you for your active registration.

Abstract Submission

Create an English abstract following the format indicated below and submit through the online registration form. The abstract should be clearly written in a way that participants from different research backgrounds can also understand.

- Format
Standard word processing format (.txt, rtf, Simple text, Word Perfect)

- Language

- Font
10.5 size Helvetica or Arial

- Length
Approximately 200 words

- Presenter
Please indicate the presenting author's name in the upper right hand corner of the document file

- Title
Capitalize the first letter of the title

- Author(s) and author affiliations
Author's name should be written in full and the presenting author's name should be underlined. Please add the country name after the affiliation. When you have co-author(s), please follow the example below:
Hanako Kobe 1), Ichiro Yamada 1) 2), Hideki Matsuo 1) 2), John Smith 2)
Laboratory for Development, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan, 2) Division of Developmental Biology, ABC University, USA

- Key words and/or short phrases
The list of keywords and /or short phrases should follow the abstract paragraph. Provide up to 6 keywords and/or phrases that are descriptive of your work. Keywords can be general or technical, but should appeal to researchers who are not familiar with your research field. See examples below:
e.g.) Cell-cell adhesion and myosin contraction, Gastrulation of chick embryogenesis, Live-imaging using two-photon microscopy, Computational simulation using 2D vertex model

- Figures and photograph
Not allowed.

- Notice
Accepted abstracts will be published in the meeting abstract book, copies of which will be provided to all participants and the text will be reformatted to fit the design of the abstract book.

Please also note that the abstract book will be submitted to the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) to be disclosed in their "JDream III", Japan's largest publication database for science, technology and medicine, containing over 60 million records, including journals, proceedings and technical papers.

Confirmation of Receipt

A confirmation e-mail will be sent automatically to your e-mail address. Please be sure that you have entered your e-mail address correctly when submitting your registration. Please retain a copy of the e-mail. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, please contact the meeting office.

Notice of Acceptance

All registrations will be reviewed by the program committee. Notification regarding the results of that review will be sent in August 2015.