CDB Symposium 2006 April10-12 Logic of Development : New Strategies and Concepts
Speaker Profiles
John Hogenesch John Hogenesch
John Hogenesch did his graduate work in the laboratory of Dr. Chris Bradfield at Northwestern University working on signal transduction pathways mediated by bHLH-PAS transcription factors. In his thesis work, he discovered five novel mammalian members of the bHLH-PAS family, termed MOP1-5 for members of PAS superfamily (Hogenesch et al., JBC, 1997). Characterization revealed that one of the orphans, MOP3, was the partner of a related bHLH-PAS member, Clock, a master regulator of circadian behavior (Hogenesch, et. al, PNAS, 1998). This circuitry comprises the molecular basis of circadian rhythmicity in mammals. To try and build on these interests, he joined the laboratory of Steve Kay at the Scripps Research Institute and the Novartis Research Foundation as a postdoctoral fellow in 1999 working on circadian rhythmicity in mammals. In 2000, he became a staff scientist at the Institute, subsequently becoming the head of genomics there. At GNF, he worked on the assembly of the complete mammalian transcriptomes (Hogenesch et al., Cell, 2001), as well as on the mRNA characterization of their expression (Su et al, PNAS 2002). Current interests include the development of genome wide methodologies for the study of cellular pathways using cDNAs and siRNAs (Conkright et al., Molecular Cell, 2003; Sato et al, Neuron, 2004). In late 2004, he joined the Scripps Research Institute at the new Jupiter, FL campus as Professor and Director of Genome Technology.
Speaker List
Kiyokazu Agata
Victor Ambros
Detlev Arendt
Stephen Cohen
Duncan Davidson
Emmanuel Farge
John Hogenesch
René Ketting
Shigeru Kondo
Atsushi Miyawaki
Yasushi Okada
Pernille Rørth
Haruhiko Siomi
Ralf J. Sommer
Asako Sugimoto
Hirokazu Tsukaya
Hiroki R. Ueda
Detlef Weigel
Ron Weiss
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