Emmanuel Farge is a soft matter biophysicist. Initially trained as a physicist, he switched to biophysics when he entered the Physico-Chemistry Biology Institute Paris, in 1989 as a Ph.D. student, under the supervision of Philippe Devaux. He received his Ph.D. in 1993 for work on showing that the soft matter elastic response of biological membranes to "flippase" dependent trans-membrane translocation of phospholipids triggers vesiculation, on liposome model systems. In 1994, he joined Alice Dautry-Varsat's lab at the Pasteur Institute, in Paris, where he studied the role of the flippase in the endocytic vesiculation in living cells. He showed that stimulating the flippase activity stimulated endocytosis in living cells, thereby demonstrating the soft matter elastic properties of plasma membranes as a key motor element of endocytic vesiculation. He then moved on to head his own group at the Curie Institute in Paris in 1997. His group first focused on both modeling the mechanics of endocytosis in quantitative relation to living cells experiments, and the mechanical induction of gene expression though the mechanical inhibition of morphogene endocytosis. In parallel, the Drosophila embryo was introduced to study the feedback role of the mechanical strains developed by gastrulation morphogenetic movements into the regulation of patterned gene expression. Recent work includes the identification of the Twist gene expression as mechano-sensitive, and the involvement of mechanical induction in Twist expression in the future anterior gut track cells, specifically strain compressed by the endogenous convergent extension at the onset of gastrulation. Currently, the Farge group combines the tools of genetics, experimental and in silico biomechanics to unravel the underlying mechanisms of biological molecular to mechanical multi-cellular phenotype interplay during embryonic morphogenesis. |