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Iswar Hariharan graduated in Medicine from the University of Sydney and obtained his Ph.D. at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute at the University of Melbourne. His postdoctoral training was with Gerald Rubin at the University of California, Berkeley. He was appointed Assistant Professor at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and Harvard Medical School in 1992 and was promoted to Professor in 2003. In 2004, he moved to the University of California, Berkeley where he is a Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology. He is also an American Cancer Society Research Professor.
Dr. Hariharan's laboratory studies the mechanisms that regulate tissue growth both during normal development and during regeneration. His laboratory has conducted several types of genetic screens to identify and characterize growth regulators. Genes identified include many of the initially characterized components of the Hippo pathway as well as archipelago, the ortholog of the human Fbxw7 tumor suppressor gene. His laboratory has developed a number of genetic tools to study growth including a genetic tissue ablation system for studying regeneration, the TIE-DYE clone marking system, and CoinFLP, a method for conducting mosaic screens using RNAi. Of Dr. Hariharan's trainees, twelve now head independent research groups - in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Japan.