Photo: Stephan Morias

Poster Presentation
Presenters listed in alphabetical order.
P01 Induction of Sox3 and Lmx1b Genes by Opposing FGF and BMP Signaling Activities in the Otic Field
Berta Alsina

P02 Identification of Two New Otic Enhancers of the POU3F4 Gene with Distinct Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Expression and Regulation
Berta Alsina

P03 The Spatial and Temporal Segregation of Auditory and Vestibular Neurons in the Otic Placode
Donald Bell

P04 Sensorineural Deafness in a Mouse Model of Campomelic Dysplasia
Kathryn SE Cheah

P05 Characterisation of the Migration of Neuroblasts during Formation of the Cranial Sensory Ganglia
Linda E. Davies

P06 The Role of Pax2 in Otic Induction
Sabine Freter

P07 Gene-regulatory Logic in Retinal Ganglion Cell Development: Isl1 and Pou4f2 Define Two Distinct but Intersecting Branches in the Gene Regulatory Network
Xueyao Fu

P08 Repression of Hedgehog Signalling is Required for the Acquisition of Dorsolateral Cell Fates in the Zebrafish Otic Vesicle
Katherine L. Hammond

P09 Expression Pattern of Neural Crest Marker Genes and PPR Marker Six1 in Early Mouse Embryos
Keiko Ikeda

P10 Disorganized Innervation and Neuronal Loss in the Inner Ear of Slitrk6-Deficient Mice
Kei-ichi Katayama

P11 Mutation in Protocadherin 15 Affects Coordinated Maturation of Apical Hair Cell Components During Development
Yayoi Kikkawa

P12 Whole Genome Analysis of the Planaria Schmidtea mediterranea Reveals New Families of 7-Transmembrane Receptors
Clement Lamy

P13 Withdrawn

P14 Interplay of Fgfs during Ear Development
Siu-Shan Mak

P15 FGF Receptors during Inner Ear Induction
Yuko Muta

P16 Genetic Analyses of the Mechanosensory Organ Development in Zebrafish
Alex Nechiporuk

P17 Interactions between Sox and Notch Pathway in Otic Neurosensory Precursors
Joana Neves

P18 Development of the Chick Paratympanic Organ
Paul O'Neill

P19 BMPs Act as Morphogens in the Mammalian Cochlear Epithelium
Takahiro Ohyama

P20 Induction of Retinal Cells from Monkey iPS Cells
Satoshi Okamoto

P21 Analysis of The Neural and Molecular bases that Underlie Female Mating Acceptance of Medaka Depending on Visual Information
Teruhiro Okuyama

P22 Retinoic Acid is Necessary for Olfactory Differentiation but not for Olfactory Induction
Marie Paschaki

P23 Establishment of the Topographic Map in the Zebrafish Lateral Line System
Akira Sato

P24 Characterization of Sx1 Enhancers: Implication for the Development and Evolution of PPR and Sensory Placodes
Shigeru Sato

P25 Wnt Gene Expression Mapping Indicates a Network of Signalling Cues during Inner Ear Development
Ulrike J. Sienknecht

P26 Analysis Of Neural Mechanism For The Optomotor Response Of The Medaka Fish
Yuji Suehiro

P27 Utility of Hoxb2 enhancer - mediated Cre activity for functional studies in the developing inner ear
Irene Y.Y. Szeto

P28 Evolution and Development of the Mammalian Middle Ear
Masaki Takechi

P29 Identification of Signaling Inputs of Early Otic/Mid-hindbrain Pax2 Enhancer
Vassil Vassilev

P30 The Key Regulator in the Evolution of Trunk Primary Sensory Neurons
Hiroshi Yajima

P31 Notch Signaling Specifies Prosensory Regions in the Inner Ear
Norio Yamamoto

P32 Differential and Overlapping Expression of Sox2 and Sox9 in Inner Ear Development
Angel CY Mak
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