Photo: Stephan Morias URL: |
Poster Presentation | |
Presenters listed in alphabetical order. |
P01 | Induction of Sox3 and Lmx1b Genes by Opposing FGF and BMP Signaling Activities in the Otic Field Berta Alsina |
P02 | Identification of Two New Otic Enhancers of the POU3F4 Gene with Distinct Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Expression and Regulation Berta Alsina |
P03 | The Spatial and Temporal Segregation of Auditory and Vestibular Neurons
in the Otic Placode Donald Bell |
P04 | Sensorineural Deafness in a Mouse Model of Campomelic Dysplasia Kathryn SE Cheah |
P05 | Characterisation of the Migration of Neuroblasts during Formation of the
Cranial Sensory Ganglia Linda E. Davies |
P06 | The Role of Pax2 in Otic Induction Sabine Freter |
P07 | Gene-regulatory Logic in Retinal Ganglion Cell Development: Isl1 and Pou4f2
Define Two Distinct but Intersecting Branches in the Gene Regulatory Network Xueyao Fu |
P08 | Repression of Hedgehog Signalling is Required for the Acquisition of Dorsolateral
Cell Fates in the Zebrafish Otic Vesicle Katherine L. Hammond |
P09 | Expression Pattern of Neural Crest Marker Genes and PPR Marker Six1 in
Early Mouse Embryos Keiko Ikeda |
P10 | Disorganized Innervation and Neuronal Loss in the Inner Ear of Slitrk6-Deficient Mice Kei-ichi Katayama |
P11 | Mutation in Protocadherin 15 Affects Coordinated Maturation of Apical Hair Cell Components During Development Yayoi Kikkawa |
P12 | Whole Genome Analysis of the Planaria Schmidtea mediterranea Reveals New Families of 7-Transmembrane Receptors Clement Lamy |
P13 | Withdrawn |
P14 | Interplay of Fgfs during Ear Development Siu-Shan Mak |
P15 | FGF Receptors during Inner Ear Induction Yuko Muta |
P16 | Genetic Analyses of the Mechanosensory Organ Development in Zebrafish Alex Nechiporuk |
P17 | Interactions between Sox and Notch Pathway in Otic Neurosensory Precursors
Joana Neves |
P18 | Development of the Chick Paratympanic Organ Paul O'Neill |
P19 | BMPs Act as Morphogens in the Mammalian Cochlear Epithelium Takahiro Ohyama |
P20 | Induction of Retinal Cells from Monkey iPS Cells Satoshi Okamoto |
P21 | Analysis of The Neural and Molecular bases that Underlie Female Mating
Acceptance of Medaka Depending on Visual Information Teruhiro Okuyama |
P22 | Retinoic Acid is Necessary for Olfactory Differentiation but not for Olfactory Induction Marie Paschaki |
P23 | Establishment of the Topographic Map in the Zebrafish Lateral Line System Akira Sato |
P24 | Characterization of Sx1 Enhancers: Implication for the Development and Evolution of PPR and Sensory Placodes Shigeru Sato |
P25 | Wnt Gene Expression Mapping Indicates a Network of Signalling Cues during
Inner Ear Development Ulrike J. Sienknecht |
P26 | Analysis Of Neural Mechanism For The Optomotor Response Of The Medaka Fish
Yuji Suehiro |
P27 | Utility of Hoxb2 enhancer - mediated Cre activity for functional studies in the developing inner ear Irene Y.Y. Szeto |
P28 | Evolution and Development of the Mammalian Middle Ear Masaki Takechi |
P29 | Identification of Signaling Inputs of Early Otic/Mid-hindbrain Pax2 Enhancer Vassil Vassilev |
P30 | The Key Regulator in the Evolution of Trunk Primary Sensory Neurons Hiroshi Yajima |
P31 | Notch Signaling Specifies Prosensory Regions in the Inner Ear Norio Yamamoto |
P32 | Differential and Overlapping Expression of Sox2 and Sox9 in Inner Ear Development Angel CY Mak |
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