P01 |
The TALE Class Homeobox Gene Smed-prep Defines the Anterior Compartment for Head Regeneration |
A. Aziz Aboobaker |
P02 |
Is the Shark Head Cavity Homologous with the Somite? |
Noritaka Adachi |
P03 |
A Systems Approach Reveals that the Myogenesis Genome Network is Regulated
by the Transcriptional Repressor RP58 |
Hiroshi Asahara |
P04 |
Tubular Extension is Regulated by Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition
and Tissue Interactions |
Yuji Atsuta |
P05 |
The Role of microRNA-21 in Zebrafish Cardiac Valve Formation |
Toshihiro Banjo |
P06 |
Regulation of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton in Growing Fiber Tracts of the
Developing Human Brain |
Torsten Bullmann |
P07 |
The Apoptotic Protease Caspase 3 Regulates Retinal Ganglion Cell Axonal
Arborisation and Synaptic Dynamics |
Douglas S. Campbell |
P08 |
ERK Activation is Involved in Tooth Development via FGF10 Signaling |
Kyoung-Won Cho |
P09 |
Signalling through the VegfR2 Receptor Controls Migration of Posterior Mesoderm Cells Out of the Primitive Streak in the Early Chick Embryo |
Manli Chuai |
P10 |
Control of Cell Elongation and Lumen Formation during Notochord Tubulogenesis |
Bo Dong |
P11 |
The Temporal and Spatial Expression of PTEN in the Development of Inner
Ear |
Youyi Dong |
P12 |
Role of Wnt4 in Chick Myogenesis |
Anthony S. Eritano |
P13 |
Twist2 Function in Craniofacial and Limb Morphogenesis |
Peter Farlie |
P14 |
Smad4 Function in the Regulation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells in the
Postnatal Mouse Brain |
Yasuhide Furuta |
P15 |
Type IIA Procollagen: A Positive Regulator of Nodal Signaling during Early Embryogenesis |
Gene Y. Gao |
P16 |
Automatic Reconstruction of the Mouse Segmentation Network from an Experimental
Evidence Database |
Aitor González |
P17 |
Foxg1 Regulates the Onset of Temporal Competence Window of Projection Neuron Production in the Neocortex |
Gunadi |
P18 |
Preterm Delivery Alters the Developmental Program of the Cerebellum |
Parthiv Haldipur |
P19 |
Mesenchymal FGFR1 Signaling during Craniofacial Development in Mice |
David Herrmann |
P20 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) Function in Inner Ear Hair
Cell Development |
Akira Honda |
P21 |
The Role of TBX22 in Bone and Muscle Development during Palatogenesis |
Aya Hoshino |
P22 |
MARCKS Regulates Arterial-Venous Cell Separation during Vasculogenesis in Zebrafish |
Cheng-chen Huang |
P23 |
Intravascular Proteolysis Triggers Synchronous Start of Blood Circulation
in Zebrafish |
Atsuo Iida |
P24 |
Tackling Vertebrate Phylotype Hypothesis from the Analysis of Multi-species,
Embryonic Transcriptome Dynamics |
Naoki Irie |
P25 |
Characterization of the Single Cell Transcriptional Landscape by High-throughput
RNA-Seq and Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons for Cell Replacement Therapy |
Saiful Islam |
P26 |
Emergence of a Cerebellum is Correlated with the Establishment of Close
Linkage between Canopy1 and Engrailed2 |
Hisaya Kakinuma |
P27 |
Potential Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cell to Drug Discovery, Safety
Pharmacology and Therapy |
Takeshi Katsuda |
P28 |
Notch Ligand Regulation of Adult Neural Stem Cells |
Daichi Kawaguchi |
P29 |
Cadherin-7 Participates in Dorsal-Ventral Patterning of the Chick Embryonic
Spinal Cord through Sonic Hedgehog Signaling |
Rie Kawano |
P30 |
Mutations Affecting Cessation of Gonadal Leader Cell Migration in C.elegans |
Tetsuhiro Kikuchi |
P31 |
Characterization of nphp7 in Pronephros in Zebrafish |
Yun Hee Kim |
P32 |
The Cyclic Gene Hes1 Contributes to Diverse Differentiation Responses of Embryonic Stem Cells |
Taeko Kobayashi |
P33 |
Balance of Planar and Apico-basal Forces Important for Orchestrating the
Invagination of the Drosophila Tracheal Placode |
Takefumi Kondo |
P34 |
Active and Passive Mechanisms Regulate Interkinetic Nuclear Migration of
Neural Progenitor Cells during Brain Development |
Yoichi Kosodo |
P35 |
New Target Genes for Tumor Suppressors p53 and p73 in Regenerating Liver |
Svitlana Kurinna |
P36 |
Role of DNA-Membrane Complexes in Cellular Differentiation |
Vasily V. Kuvichkin |
P37 |
Foxp4 is Essential in Maintenance of Purkinje Cell Dendritic Arborization in Mouse Cerebellum |
Kin Ming Kwan |
P38 |
Chondrocyte Fate Specification during Cranial Base Development |
Hyuk-Jae Kwon |
P39 |
Olfactory Neurogenesis is Controlled by Retinoic Acid |
Raj Ladher |
P40 |
Dynamic Analysis of Vascular Development |
Rusty Lansford |
P41 |
Sonic Hedgehog Signaling in Adrenocortical Development and Remodeling |
Ed Laufer |
P42 |
Origins of the Epibranchial Placodes and Ganglia in Zebrafish |
Zachary R. Lewis |
P43 |
Pitchfork Regulates Primary Cilia Disassembly and Heart Development |
Heiko Lickert |
P44 |
A Novel Pro-apoptotic Member of Bcl-2 Family, Blm-s, Mediates Neuronal
Apoptosis in the Developing Nervous System |
Wei-Wen Liu |
P45 |
Xenopus tropicalis as a New Model for Studying Vertebrate Tissue Regeneration |
Nick R. Love |
P46 |
Evolution and Development of Beak Diversity in Darwin's Finches and their Close Relatives |
Ricardo Mallarino |
P47 |
Epiplakin1 Marks the Cholangiocytes and Hepatic Stem/progenitor Cells in
Adult and Injured Liver |
Akira Matsuo |
P48 |
Heartbeat Regulates Cardiogenesis via Suppression of Retinoic Acid Signaling
by MicroRNA |
Kota Miyasaka |
P49 |
Inter-Axonal Communication Defines Topographic Presynaptic Patterning in
C. elegans |
Kota Mizumoto |
P50 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor and Hedgehog Regulate Growth and Maturation of
Larval Notochord Cell in Xenopus |
Makoto Mochii |
P51 |
Optimal Encoding Design of Positional Information from an Engineering Viewpoint |
Yoshihiro Morishita |
P52 |
Analysis of the Somite-specific Enhancer of the Zic Genes in Medaka: Toward Understanding of the Evolution of the External
Morphology in Vertebrates |
Yuuta Moriyama |
P53 |
P54 |
Reproduction Organ-Specific Defects and Subsequent Infertilities in the
Missense Mutant Mice on the β-catenin Gene |
Takuya Murata |
P55 |
Control of FGF Signalling during Inner Ear Induction |
Yuko Muta |
P56 |
Turtle Body Plan by Folding |
Hiroshi Nagashima |
P57 |
Histone Methylation in Heart Development |
Keisuke Nimura |
P58 |
Toward Understanding of Gene Regulatory Network Underlying Shh Morphogen
Action in Neural Tube Patterning |
Yuichi Nishi |
P59 |
Notch2 Activation in the Embryonic Kidney Leads to Depletion of Nephron
Progenitors |
Ryuichi Nishinakamura |
P60 |
Coupled Oscillations in Notch and Fgf Signaling Underlie the Coordination
of the Segmentation Clock and the Wavefront for Periodic Somite Formation |
Yasutaka Niwa |
P61 |
Dicer Endoribonuclease is Necessary for Early Development of Embryonic Telencephalon and Neural Retina in Mouse |
Tomasz J. Nowakowski |
P62 |
Evolution of Head Structure of Vertebrates from the Insight of Development
of Pituitary Gland and Nasal Epithelium in Hagfish (Eptatretus burgeri) |
Yasuhiro Oisi |
P63 |
Properties of Neural Progenitor Cells during Neocortical Development as Revealed by Single Cell Gene Expression Profiles |
Mayumi Okamoto |
P64 |
Ripply3, a Negative Regulator of Tbx1, is Required for the Development of Pharyngeal Apparatus and Cardiovascular System |
Tadashi Okubo |
P65 |
The Effects of Orthodontic Bonding Procedure on Biofilm Development by
Streptococcus Mutans |
Ja Ryeong Park |
P66 |
Investigating Intrinsic Mechanisms of Growth Control in Imaginal Wing Discs |
Simon Restrepo |
P67 |
BMP Switching Regulates Migration and Subtype Segregation of Neural Crest
Cells |
Daisuke Saito |
P68 |
Kif-k Regulates the Mesenchymal Condensation on Contact with Ureteric Buds
in Kidney Development |
Masaji Sakaguchi |
P69 |
Live Imaging the Migration, Axon/Dendrite Formation, and MTOC Dynamics of Cortical Plate Neurons under the 3D Slice Culture of Embryonic Mouse Cerebrum |
Akira Sakakibara |
P70 |
Cyp26 Enzymes Function in Endoderm to Regulate Pancreatic Field Size |
Elizabeth M. Sefton |
P71 |
Histone Acetylation and a Linker Histone H1 are Required for the Maintenance of Cell Fates in C. elegans |
Yukimasa Shibata |
P72 |
Dynamic Gene Expression in Neural Development |
Hiromi Shimojo |
P73 |
Secondary Neurulation: the Neural Tube Directly Formed from Mesenchymal
Cells in the Posterior Region of Body |
Eisuke Shimokita |
P74 |
Roles of E-Cadherin in Pou5f1-Dependent Control of Cell Behavior during Zebrafish Gastrulation |
Sungmin Song |
P75 |
Organization, D-V Patterning and Regionalization of the Lamprey Telencephalon,
with Special Reference to the Evolution of the Vertebrate Brain |
Fumiaki Sugahara |
P76 |
Conservation of Developmental Mechanisms in Evolutionarily Divergent Brain
Structures |
Ikuo Suzuki |
P77 |
Cloaca Patterning by Antagonistic Regulation of Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling |
Kentaro Suzuki |
P78 |
IR-LEGO: A New Tool for Studying Development by Manipulating Gene Expression
in Targeted Single Cells |
Motoshi Suzuki |
P79 |
Quantification of Morfogen Activity in the Developing Chick Limb Bud |
Takayuki Suzuki |
P80 |
Evolution and Development of the Accessory Nerve |
Motoki Tada |
P81 |
Dynamic Shape Changes of ECM-Producing Cells Drive Morphogenesis of Ball-and-Socket
Joints in the Fly Leg |
Reiko Tajiri |
P82 |
Molecular Developmental Study for Understanding of the Mammalian Middle
Ear Evolution |
Masaki Takechi |
P83 |
Developmental Origin of the Posteriormost Digit in Amniotes |
Koji Tamura |
P84 |
Hedgehog Signaling Inhibits Hair Cell and Supporting Cell Differentiation
in the Developing Auditory Sensory Epithelium |
Tomoko Tateya |
P85 |
Quiescent and Active Hippocampal Neural Stem Cells with Distinct Morphologies Respond Selectively to Physiological and Pathological Stimuli and Ageing |
Verdon Taylor |
P86 |
Type XXVII Collagen and Embryonic Lung Development |
Tanja Torbica |
P87 |
Random Cell Movement Promotes Synchronization of the Segmentation Clock |
Koichiro Uriu |
P88 |
A Complex Network of Wnt Signaling with an Unusual Wiring Regulates the
Induction of Vulva Formation in the Nematode P. pacificus |
Xiaoyue Wang |
P89 |
Transcriptional Regulation of Fgf10 Gene in the Second Heart Field |
Yusuke Watanabe |
P90 |
Live-imaging Analysis of Apoptosis and Caspase Activation during Neural
Tube Closure |
Yoshifumi Yamaguchi |
P91 |
Analysis of the Pleiotropic Functions of A Class V POU Transcription Factor Pou2/Pou5f1 in Patterning of the Body and Brain in Zebrafish Embryos Using Transgenic Approaches |
Kyo Yamasu |
P92 |
Pectoral Fin Development in Teleost Fish; Difference from Tetrapod Limbs |
Tohru Yano |
P93 |
Molecular Aspects of Gut Differentiation |
Sadao Yasugi |
P94 |
Regulatory Aspects of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Enchytraeus japonensis (Oligochaeta, Annelida) |
Chikako Yoshida-Noro |
L01 |
Six1 is Essential for Production of Functional Apical and Basal Progenitors
during Olfactory Epithelial Development |
Keiko Ikeda |