P01 |
The Cooperation of Oncogenes that Disrupt
Apico-Basal Cell Polarity with Oncogenic Ras in Tumourigenesis
in Drosophila Epithelial Tissues |
Helena E. Richardson |
P02 |
Lgl Acts Antagonistically to Crumbs and
aPKC to Regulate the Salvador/Warts/Hippo Pathway |
Nicola A. Grzeschik |
P03 |
The Apical-basal Polarity Kinase aPKC
Functions as a Nuclear Determinant and Regulates Cell
Proliferation and Fate during Xenopus Neurogenesis |
Nitin Sabherwal |
P04 |
Identification of LGN as a Novel Candidate
Linking Cell Polarity Signalling to Transformation |
Nathan Gödde |
P05 |
LL5s Anchor Microtubule Plus Ends at the
Basal Cell Cortex in Polarized Epithelial Cells |
Yuko Mimori-Kiyosue |
P06 |
Shared Molecular Mechanisms Regulate Multiple
Catenin Proteins |
Ji Yeon Hong |
P07 |
Novel Interaction between Notch Signaling
and Endocytotic Regulator, Nedd4 Related Genes of Ubiquitin
Ligases |
Koji Kawahashi |
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Asymmetric Cell Division
P08 |
Mechanics of Cortical Polarization in
the C. elegans Zygote |
Mirjam Mayer |
P09 |
PAR-2 May Link Microtubules and Cortical
Polarity in C. elegans Zygotes |
Fumio Motegi |
P10 |
Generation of Asymmetry in the Cytoplasm
by Local Regulation of Protein Diffusion |
Erik Griffin |
P11 |
Reconstituting C. elegans Germ Granules
in Mammalian Cells |
Masafumi Yonetani |
P12 |
mos-1 is Required for Cortical Localization
of Dlg/Scrib and Par Proteins during Neuroblast Asymmetric
Cell Division |
Ryan O. Andersen |
P13 |
Genome-wide Analysis of Drosophila External
Sensory Organ Development by Transgenic RNAi |
Masakazu Yamazaki |
P14 |
Asymmetric Cell Division in the Adult
Drosophila Intestinal Tract |
Spyros Goulas |
P15 |
Imaging Approach to Distinct Daughter
T Cell Fates Generation during Immune Response |
Ichiko Kinjyo |
P16 |
Erythrocyte Enucleation Occurs via Myosin-dependent
Asymmetric Cell Division |
Bradley McColl |
P17 |
Wnts Regulate Asymmetric Spindle to Generate
Asymmetric Cell Fates |
Kenji Sugioka |
P18 |
Wnt Dependent and Independent Cell Polarization
during Asymmetric Divisions in C.elegans |
Yuko Yamamoto |
P19 |
Regulation of Asymmetric Cell Division
in the Seam Cell Lineages of C. elegans |
Marjolein Wildwater |
P20 |
Wnt Segregates Mesoderm and Endoderm Fates
via Asymmetric Inheritance of Not mRNA in Ascidian Embryo |
Naohito Takatori |
P21 |
Live Imaging Reveals Potential Role for
Polarity Proteins in Symmetric and Asymmetric Divisions
during Neurogenesis in the Zebrafish CNS |
Paula Alexandre |
P22 |
Role of Structural Asymmetry of Divided
Neural Progenitor Cells in the Fate Decision during Mammalian
Brain Neurogenesis |
Atsunori Shitamukai |
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Oriented Cell Division
P23 |
A Gαi-GDP/LGN Dependent Cortical
Ring of NuMA Controls Mitotic Spindle Rotation and Planar
Divisions in Chick Neuroepithelial Cells |
Xavier Morin |
P24 |
The Role of Cell Division Orientation
during Zebrafish Gastrulation |
Elena Quesada-Hernández |
P25 |
The Role of Oriented Cell Divisions for
Epithelial Spreading in Zebrafish |
Pedro Campinho |
P26 |
Analysis of Epithelial Cell Shapes Reveals
Novel Geometric Influences on Division Dynamics |
William T. Gibson |
P27 |
High-Resolution 4D Imaging and Quantitative
Analysis of Centrosome Movement in Early C. elegans Embryos |
Yumi Iida |
P28 |
Directional Control of PAR-dependent Polarization
in C. elegans |
Yukinobu Arata |
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Polarized Cell Shape
P29 |
Quantitative Measurements and Computer
Simulations of C. elegans Embryonic Cell Morphology |
Masashi Fujita |
P30 |
Roles of Microtubule Arrays in Robustly
Elongating Cell: Mechanism of Sperm Morphogenesis in Drosophila |
Tatsuhiko Noguchi |
P31 |
IKK-Related Kinase Regulates Recycling
Endosome Trafficking during Polarized Growth |
Tetsuhisa Otani |
P32 |
Single Molecule Kinetic Analysis of Signaling
from Ras to Raf in Live Cells |
Kayo Hibino |
P33 |
Neuronal Polarity: Dissection of Centrosome-Regulated
Axon Outgrowth |
Giulia Pollarolo |
P34 |
Localization of Signals Instructing Neuronal
Polarity in Hippocampal Neurons |
Annette Gärtner |
P35 |
Mechanisms Controlling Polarized Dendrite
Formation of Purkinje Cells in the Zebrafish Cerebellum |
Koji Tanabe |
P36 |
Intra-axonal Patterning: Intrinsic Compartmentalization
of the Axonal Membrane in Drosophila Neurons |
Takeo Katsuki |
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Neurogenesis |
P37 |
Sickie, a Neuron Navigator Homolog, is
Involved in the Axonal Elongation of the Drosophila Mushroom
Body |
Takashi Abe |
P38 |
Control of Dendritic Self-Avoidance by
the Seven-Pass Transmembrane Cadherin Flamingo in Drosophila
Sensory Neurons |
Tadao Usui |
P39 |
Brain Tumor Interacts with Fragile X Mental
Retardation Gene dfmr1 to Regulate Synapse Growth and
Budding in Drosophila |
Yan Chen |
P40 |
Identification of a Downstream Target
of Single-minded Underlying the Interaction between Pre-synaptic
Axons and Post-synaptic Cells for the Neuronal Circuit
Formation in Drosophila Visual Center |
Atsushi Sugie |
P41 |
EGFR and JAK/STAT Regulate Progression
of Proneural Wave in the Drosophila Optic Lobe Development |
Tetsuo Yasugi |
P42 |
Self-organized Formation of Cortical Tissue
from ESCs |
Mototsugu Eiraku |
P43 |
Pax6 is Involved in Specification of Rhombomere
Boundary Cells in the Rat Hindbrain |
Masanori Takahashi |
P44 |
Heterochronic Transplants in Zebrafish
Suggest that an Intrinsic Timer Regulates the Generation
of Apico-basal Polarity during Neural Tube Formation |
Gemma Girdler |
P45 |
The FERM Domain Protein Epb4.1l5 Coordinately
Controls Neurogenesis and Neuroepithelial Polarity through
the Regulation of Notch Activity |
Shinya Ohata |
P46 |
Control of Cell and Tissue Polarity in
Neurectoderm and Mesoderm by the PAR-1 (MARK) proteins
in Xenopus |
Jeremy B. A. Green |
P47 |
Downregulation of Ninein at the Apical
Side of Neuroepithelial Cells of the Pax6 Mutant |
Hiroshi Shinohara |
P48 |
Mechanisms of Subcellular Localization
of Cyclin D2 mRNA and the Protein in the Mouse Brain Primodium |
Yuji Tsunekawa |
P49 |
Comprehensive Analysis of the Interkinetic
Nuclear Migration in Developing Mouse Brain |
Yoichi Kosodo |
P50 |
Live Monitoring 3D Polarization and “Inside-out”
Lamination of Neocortical Neurons |
Takaki Miyata |
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Planar Cell Polarity
P51 |
Linking Global Tissue Asymmetry to Cell
Polarity on the Plane |
Toshiyuki Harumoto |
P52 |
Hunting for Novel Genes that Regulate
Planar Cell Polarity: Mutations that Affect both PCP and
the Canonical Wnt Pathways |
Kousuke Mouri |
P53 |
Hunting for Mutations that Affected Planar
Cell Polarity (PCP): Multiple Phenotypes of Misoriented
Hairs, Cell Packing Defect, and Mislocalization of a PCP
Protein |
Shin-ya Horiuchi |
P54 |
Regulation of Diversin Localization by
Wnt Signaling |
Keiji Itoh |
P55 |
Serrano (Sano) is a Novel Planar Cell
Polarity Regulator that Controls Tracheal Tube Length |
SeYeon Chung |
P56 |
Regulation of Planar Cell Polarity by
Smurf Ubiquitin Ligases |
Masahiro Narimatsu |
P57 |
Cell Adhesion Underlies the Role for the
Planar Cell Polarity Signaling Pathway in Convergent Extension
of the Hearing Organ |
Dongdong Ren |
P58 |
TBC1d19: a Novel Player in Planar Cell
Polarity (PCP) Signaling in Vertebrates |
Padmashree C. G. Rida |
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Morphogenesis |
P59 |
Flamingo Regulates Epiboly and Convergence/Extension
Movements through Cell Cohesive and Signalling Functions
during Zebrafish Gastrulation |
Masazumi Tada |
P60 |
Gem Layer Progenitor Cell Cohesion during
Zebrafish Gastrulation |
Jean-Léon Maître |
P61 |
Inversin Coordinates Wnt Signalling into
Shaping the Pronephric Tubules of Xenopus laevis |
Soeren Lienkamp |
P62 |
The Contribution of Non-Canonical Wnt
Signals to Epithelial Tubule Formation in the Xenopus
Pronephros |
Rachel K. Miller |
P63 |
Asymmetric Cell Behavior and Cell Shape
Specify the Direction of Intestinal Looping |
Natasza A. Kurpios |
P64 |
Mapping Subcellular Tensile Forces Controlling
Morphogenesis |
Matteo Rauzi |
P65 |
Morphogenesis of Skeletal Muscles in Vertebrates:
a Problem of Cell Fate Choice |
Anne Rios |
P66 |
Cellular Behavior Leading to Invagination
in the Drosophila Tracheal Placode |
Mayuko Nishimura |
P67 |
GPCR Kinase Improves Spatiotemporal Pattern
of Cell Movements in Drosophila Gastrulation |
Naoyuki Fuse |
P68 |
Visualizing Activation of Small GTPase
Families in Drosophila |
Reina E. Itoh |
P69 |
Elastic Analysis of Tissue Growth in Drosophila |
Kaoru Sugimura |
P70 |
Endothelial Signals for Hepatocyte Apical-Basal
Polarization |
Takuya F. Sakaguchi |
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Directed Cell Migration
P71 |
Asymmetric Targeting of Tiam1 to Focal
Adhesion through Talin for Polarized Cell Migration |
Takashi Watanabe |
P72 |
Spatial Regulation of Phosphoinositide
Turnover in Migrating MDCK Cells: Quantification by FRET
Imaging |
Teruko Nishioka |
P73 |
Dynamic FGF Signalling Couples Morphogenesis
and Migration in the Zebrafish Lateral Line Primordium |
Gulcin Cakan-Akdogan |
P74 |
Visualizing Mesodermal Cell Migration
in Chicken Embryo |
Yukiko Nakaya |
P75 |
Planar Cell Polarity Plays a Role in Anterior
Visceral Endoderm Migration |
Shankar Srinivas |
P76 |
PTK7 Recruits Dsh to Regulate Neural Crest
Migration |
Annette Borchers |
P77 |
In Vivo Tracking of Human Neural Stem
Cells in Experimental Stroke |
Da-Jeong Chang |
P78 |
miR-124a is a Key Factor for Cytoskeleton
Stabilization of Human Embryonic Stem Cells |
Kye-Seong Kim |
P79 |
Aggregated P19 Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma
Cells as a Simple in vitro Model to Study the Molecular
Regulations of Axial Elongation Morphogenesis |
Yusuke Marikawa |
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Axis Formation |
P80 |
Plant Rho GTPases Control Arabidopsis
Epidermal Pavement Cell Morphogenesis via a Positive Feedback
Loop |
Shingo Nagawa |
P81 |
Generation of Cell Polarity in Plants
Links Endocytosis, Auxin Distribution and Cell Fate Decisions |
Pankaj Dhonukshe |
P82 |
Left/Right Signaling Controls Tissue Polarization
and Morphogenesis during Zebrafish Heart Formation |
Florian Priller |
P83 |
Cell Polarity in the Node for Basal Body
Positioning and Nodal Flow |
Masakazu Hashimoto |
P84 |
Regulation of Polarity and Shape during
Planarian Regeneration |
Jochen C. Rink |
P85 |
Quantitative Analysis of Morphogen Concentration
Gradient in Drosophila Wing Patterning |
Yuri Ogiso |
P86 |
Role of Cell Polarity Regulator in Mouse
Preimplantation Development |
Vernadeth B. Alarcon |
P87 |
Dorsal Determination by a Maternal Factor
Tokkaebi/Syntabulin |
Hideaki Nojima |
P88 |
Leftward Movement of Cells at the Node
Drives Left/Right Asymmetry in the Chick |
Jerome Gros |