P01 |
Expression and Function of R-spondin Family in Brain Development |
Motoko Aoki |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P02 |
The Birthdate of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Determines the Cerebellar
Formation |
Mitsuhiro Hashimoto |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P03 |
Genetical and Histological Analysis of Cerebellum Development
in Zebrafish |
Shuichi Kani |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P04 |
GAP-43 is Key to Mitotic Spindle Control and Centrosome-Based
Polarization in Neurons |
Rashmi Mishra |
National Brain Research Centre, India |
P05 |
FGF8 Controls Regional Identity in the Developing Thalamus |
Tomomi Shimogori |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P06 |
Dmbx1a and Dmbx1b are Necessary for Growth, Patterning and Differentiation
in the Midbrain and Retina |
Loksum Wong |
University of Toronto, Canada |
Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis |
P07 |
Origin and Molecular Mechanisms Specifying Basal Progenitors
in the Developing Mouse Cerebral Cortex |
Marcos Costa |
Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany |
P08 |
Forming the Zebrafish Spinal Interneuron System: From Neuronal
Progenitor Domains Oward |
Alana Dixson |
California Institute of Technology, USA |
P09 |
The Function of Ephrin-Eph Signaling in Postnatal Neurogenesis |
Yoshinobu Hara |
Tohoku University, Japan |
P10 |
Zinc-finger Genes Fezf1 and Fezf2 Control Neurogenesis
in Forebrain |
Masahiko Hibi |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P11 |
Long-term Labeling and Ablation Reveal Requirement of Continuous
Neurogenesis for the Integrity of the Adult Forebrain |
Itaru Imayoshi |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P12 |
Roles of Adenomatous Polyposis Coli in Adult Neurogenesis |
Tetsuya Imura |
Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan |
P13 |
The Adhesion Protein, Cadherin-7, is a Component of the Sonic
Hedgehog Signaling Pathway in the Dorso-Ventral Patterning of the Chick Embryonic
Spinal Cord |
Rie Kawano |
Kumamoto University, Japan |
P14 |
The Protein Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of Math5
in the Developing Mouse Retina |
Takae Kiyama |
University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA |
P15 |
Circadian Oscillation of Glial Cell Proliferation in the Hippocampus |
Yoko Matsumoto |
Tohoku University, Japan |
P16 |
Role of Shh Signaling in Neurogenesis during Mouse Forebrain
Development |
Jun Motoyama |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P17 |
Gene Regulation Logic in Retinal Ganglion Cell Development:
Isl1 Defines a Critical Branch Distinct from but Overlapping with Pou4f2 |
Xiuqian Mu |
Univeristy of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA |
P18 |
Retinoic Acid is Necessary for the Neural vs Non-Neural Patterning
of the Olfactory Placode but Not for Olfactory Induction |
Marie Paschaki |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P19 |
The Neurogenesis-Controlling Factor, Pax6, Inhibits Proliferation
and Promotes Maturation in Murine Astrocytes |
Katsuyasu Sakurai |
Tohoku University, Japan |
P20 |
I-Smad Promotes Neuronal Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells
through Dual Inhibiting BMP and Wnt/ß-catenin Pathways |
Zhihui Xie |
Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, China |
P21 |
JAK/STAT Signal Negatively Regulates Progression of Proneural
Wave that Induces Neural Stem Cells |
Tetsuo Yasugi |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
Stem Cells |
P22 |
Extended in vitro and in vivo Neural Differentiation of Skin-Derived
Neuroprecursor Cells |
Sophia Dean |
The University of New South Wales, Australia |
P23 |
Tlx3 Promotes Neuronal Differentiation from Embryonic Stem Cells
in a Context-Dependent Manner |
Eri Hashino |
Indiana University, USA |
P24 |
Expression Pattern of Tsukushi and Analysis of the Morphological
Phenotypes in Tsukushi KO Mice Brain |
Ayako Ito |
Kumamoto University, Japan |
P25 |
Oscillatory Expression of Hes1 in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells |
Taeko Kobayashi |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P26 |
Wnt2b Regulates c-hairy1 Expression through a Novel Mechanism
that is Independent of Canonical Notch Signaling Pathway for the Maintenance of
Retinal Stem Cells |
Fumi Kubo |
RIKEN Frontier Research System, Japan |
P27 |
The Role of FABPs in Postnatal Hippocampal Neurogenesis |
Miho Matsumata |
Tohoku University, Japan |
P28 |
Differential Notch Signalling Distinguishes Neural Stem Cells
from Intermediate Neural Progenitors |
Ken-ichi Mizutani |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P29 |
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Neuronal Subtype Specification
and Integration in Adult Neurogenesis |
Jovica Ninkovic |
Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany |
P30 |
Tsukushi is a Frizzled4 ligand that, in Competition with Wnt2b,
Regulates the Proliferation of Retinal Stem/Progenitor Cells |
Kunimasa Ohta |
Kumamoto University, Japan |
P31 |
Making Brain from Skin: Introduction of an Adult Dermis-Derived
High-Purity Neuroprecursor Culture System |
Michael Valenzuela |
University of New South Wales, Australia |
Axon and Dendrite Development |
P32 |
Self-Recognition Mediated by DSCAM in the Developing Mammalian
Retina |
Robert W. Burgess |
The Jackson Laboratory, USA |
P33 |
In vitro Time-lapse Imaging of the Dendritic Development of
Cerebellar Purkinje Cells |
Kazuto Fujishima |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P34 |
Addressing the GAP in Neuronal Polarity |
Shailesh Kumar Gupta |
National Brain Research Centre, India |
P35 |
Selective Expression of Knot/Collier, a Transcriptional Regulator
of the EBF/Olf-1 Family, Endows the Drosophila Sensory System with Neuronal
Class-specific Elaborated Dendritic Patterns |
Yukako Hattori |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P36 |
UNC-51 Regulates Axonal and Dendritic Patterning in the Drosophila
Brain |
Hiroaki Mochizuki |
University of Tsukuba, Japan |
P37 |
Knot/Collier and Cut Control Different Aspects of Dendrite Cytoskeleton
and Synergize to Define Final Arbor Shape |
Adrian W. Moore |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P38 |
UNC-6/Netrin and UNC-5 Localize Presynaptic Components to the
Axon by Inhibiting their Accumulation in Dendrites |
Vivian Yi Nuo Poon |
Stanford University, USA |
P39 |
Functional Analysis of LIM-Homeodomain Transcription Factors
in the Morphogenesis of Retinal Horizontal Cells |
Akiko Suga |
RIKEN Frontier Research System, Japan |
P40 |
Mitochondrial Protein Preli-like Regulates Development and Maintenance
of Dendritic Trees of Drosophila Sensory Neurons |
Asako Tsubouchi |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P41 |
Control of Dendritic Self-Avoidance by Seven-Pass Transmembrane
Cadherin in Drosophila Sensory Neurons |
Tadao Usui |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P42 |
Neuropilin-2 Signaling Regulates the Pathfinding of Midbrain
Dopaminergic Axons in the Diencephalon |
Kenta Yamauchi |
Osaka University, Japan |
Neuronal Migration and Axon Guidance |
P43 |
Molecular Mechanisms Controlling the Dorsal-ventral Choice of
Sensory Axons at the Limb |
Elisa Bianchi |
Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany |
P44 |
Functions of the Highly Conserved C-terminal Region of Reelin
and its Regulation by Proteolysis |
Mitsuharu Hattori |
Nagoya City University, Japan |
P45 |
Esrom: A signaling and Cytoskeletal Integrator Required at Growth
Cone Intermediate Targets |
Michael Hendricks |
Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, Singapore |
P46 |
Role of OL-protocadherin-dependent Striatal Axon Growth in Thalamocortical
Projection |
Shinji Hirano |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P47 |
A Novel Repulsive Axon Guidance Protein, Draxin |
MD Shahidul Islam & Yohei Shinmyo |
Kumamoto University, Japan |
P48 |
Migration of the Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons May Involve a Translocation
Mechanism and May Not be Influenced by Afferent Fibers from the Developing Inner
Ear |
Takaki Miyata |
Nagoya University, Japan |
P49 |
Role of holm/mosaic Eyes, a Neuroepithelial Polarity Gene in
the Migration of Vagus Motor Neuron Precursors |
Shinya Ohata |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P50 |
Functional Analysis of Fgf19 in the Chicken Embryonic
Retina |
Mayumi Okamoto |
The University of Tokushima, Japan |
P51 |
Downregulation of δ-catenin and FEZ1 at the Apical Side
of Neuroepithelial Cells of the Pax6 Mutant |
Hiroshi Shinohara |
Tohoku University, Japan |
P52 |
Meis2 Activities in the Control of Three Distinct Developmental
Steps during the Corticogenesis |
Yasuto Tanabe |
Osaka University, Japan |
P53 |
Where Does Reelin Work? Localization of Functional Reelin Receptors
in the Developing Mouse Brain as Revealed by Reelin-Alkaline Phosphatase Fusion
Probe |
Takayuki Uchida |
Nagoya City University, Japan |
Neural Circuit Formation |
P54 |
Target Recognition at the Tips of Postsynaptic Filopodia in
Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction |
Hiroshi Kohsaka |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
P55 |
Unravelling the Development of the Raphe Serotonergic Circuitry |
Christina Lillesaar |
Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany |
P56 |
EphrinB2 Reverse Signaling in the Probability of Neurons Projecting
from the Tectum to the Hindbrain in Zebrafish |
Tomomi Sato |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P57 |
Towards a Genetic Dissection of the GABAergic System Using Cell
Type Specific Cre Driver Mice |
Hiroki Taniguchi |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA |
P58 |
Multiple Roles of GDNF during Development of the Enteric Nervous
System |
Toshihiro Uesaka |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
Synaptogenesis and Activity-Dependent Development
P59 |
Single-Cell Analysis of Innervation-Dependent Gene Expression
during Synaptogenesis |
Ai Fukui |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
P60 |
In vitro Recognition of the Target Axons by Cerebellar Granule
Cells Dendrites during Synaptogenesis |
Shoko Ito |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P61 |
Roles of Pre- and Post-synaptic Neuron Activity in Interhemispheric
Connection Development in the Mouse Visual Cortex |
Hidenobu Mizuno |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P62 |
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Regulates Cholesterol
Metabolism for Synapse Development |
Shingo Suzuki |
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan |
Developmental Cell Death |
P63 |
NGL Induces the Expression of GFRα1 by Promoting Cash1
Expression |
Shunsaku Homma |
Fukushima Medical University, Japan |
P64 |
A Cell-intrinsic Pattern of Developmental Cell Death Determines
the Size of Cortical Inhibitory Populations |
Derek Southwell |
University of California, San Francisco, USA |
Development of Motor and Sensory Systems
P65 |
Implication of Retinoic Acid in Retinal Development: Analysis
of Mutant Mice for the Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathway |
Laura Cammas |
IGBMC, France |
P66 |
A Runt Family Transcription Factor Lozenge is Differentially
Required for Distinct Classes of the Olfactory Receptor Neurons in Drosophila |
Keita Endo |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
P67 |
Otic Induction is a Two-step Process with Fgf Followed by Wnt
Signaling |
Sabine Freter |
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan |
P68 |
An Essential Role of Pikachurin, a Novel Dystroglycan Ligand
Protein, in Bipolar Terminus Apposition to Photoreceptor Ribbon Synapse in the
Retina |
Takahisa Furukawa |
Osaka Bioscience Institute, Japan |
P69 |
Depolarizing GABAergic Inhibition in the Developing Avian Auditory
System |
MacKenzie A. Howard |
University of Washington, USA |
P70 |
Topographic Map Formation by Destination-Specific Axon Sorting
in the Mouse Olfactory System |
Takeshi Imai |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
P71 |
The Zinc Finger Transcription Factor MAB-30 Controls Patterning
of Sensory Organs in C. elegans |
Yan Fung Wong |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong
Kong |
Regeneration of the Nervous System |
P72 |
The Regeneration of Chemosensation in the Planarian Dugesia
japonica |
Lamy Clement |
Kyoto University, Japan |
P73 |
Anterior/Posterior-specific Properties of Adult Spinal Cord
Neural Progenitor Cells |
Carly Leung |
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
P74 |
Differential Axonal Protection Against Wallerian Degeneration
in vivo is Observed in Mice Overespressing Family Members of Nicotinamide
Mononucleotide Adenylyltransferase (NMNAT) |
Naoki Yahata |
National Institute of Neuroscience, Japan |
Glia-Neuron Interactions |
P75 |
Long Term Imaging of Fine Structural Plasticity of Neurons and
Glia in Damaged Cerebral Cortex |
Hiroaki Wake |
National Institutes of Physiological Sciences, Japan |
Disorders and Injuries of the Nervous System
P76 |
Inhibition of proBDNF Cleavage Impairs Development of Cerebellar
and Basal Forebrain Neurons |
Masami Kojima |
National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (AIST),
Japan |
P77 |
Overexpression of DISC1 Impairs Associative Learning and Arousal
in Drosophila |
Yasushi Maruyama |
University of Tsukuba, Japan |
P78 |
Prothymosin α Plays a Key Role in Cell Death Mode-Switch,
a New Concept for Neuroprotective Mechanisms in Stroke |
Hiroshi Ueda |
Nagasaki University, Japan |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
P79 |
Genetic Dissection of Neural Circuits by Tol2 Transposon-mediated
Gal4 Gene and Enhancer Trapping in Zebrafish |
Kazuhide Asakawa |
National Institute of Genetics, Japan |
P80 |
Enhancement of Odor Avoidance by Preexposure is Regulated by
Dopamine in C. elegans |
Kotaro Kimura |
National Institute of Genetics, Japan |
P81 |
Cadherins and Vocal Learning in Songbirds |
Eiji Matsunaga |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan |
P82 |
Control of Retinal Light Adaptation by Glucocorticoid Receptor
Transcriptional Activity |
Akira Muto |
National Institute of Genetics, Japan |
P83 |
Analysis of Molecular and Neural Mechanism Underlying Sexual
Selection Using Small Fish Medaka |
Teruhiro Okuyama |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |