1. 上皮組織の細胞形態変化、および湾曲過程の細胞極性変化による制御機構
2. アドへレンスジャンクションとアクチン間の結合強度による陥入レベル決定機構
3. 4次元定量イメージングの開発と、形態形成時に生じる力学的変化の可視化
4. 新規かつ一時的に出現する形態形成構造の進化的可能性
A:We are passionate about making new and important discoveries in the field of developmental biology. We come to work everyday with great enthusiasm knowing that we will understand better how cells undergo the necessary change to form a functional organism.
A:Dynamic. My lab is shaped and morphed by the unique personalities and posive energies of its indivisual members in an organic and creative way.
A:Let your own imagination be the only limitation, and the desire to know more be the preferred way to propel forward.