Date and Time | 2011-09-15 16:00 - 17:00 |
Venue | D-E206 Seminar Room |
Speaker | Attila Csikasz-Nagy
The Microsoft Research-University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology |
Title | Dynamics of cell cycle transitions |
Poster | click here to download (PDF) |
Host | Ueda Hiroki |
Summary | DNA replication, mitosis and mitotic exit are critical transitions of the cell cycle which should occur only once per cycle. The importance of various positive feedback and feed-forward loops in the irreversibility of these transitions has been investigated recently. A picture arises, where the key cell cycle regulator Cdk is controlled by positive feedback loops and Cdk enforces its downstream targets through feed-forward regulation. I will show the dynamical features of such regulatory loops and discuss how these are used at cell cycle transitions. Furthermore I will discuss how transcriptional regulation of activators and inhibitors of cell cycle transitions can influence the robustness of the transitions.
References Novak, B., Tyson, J. J., Gyorffy, B., and Csikasz-Nagy, A. Irreversible cell-cycle transitions are due to systems-level feedback, Nat Cell Biol 9 (7), 724-8 (2007) Csikasz-Nagy A. Computational systems biology of the cell cycle. Brief Bioinform 10 (4), 424-34 (2009) Csikasz-Nagy, A. et al., Cell cycle regulation by feed-forward loops coupling transcription and phosphorylation, Mol Syst Biol 5, 236 (2009) Romanel, A., Cardelli, L., Jensen, L. J., and Csikasz-Nagy, A. Transcriptional regulation is a major controller of cell cycle transition dynamics, under review (2011). |