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MOVIE Newt regeneration
Regeneration of a newt's leg
(p-1.avi ^ 1008KB ^ 20•b)
MOVIE Planarian regeneration
When a planarian is cut into pieces, each piece can regenerate into an individual anima
(p-2.avi ^ 484KB ^ 13•b)
PHOTO nou-darake gene
When the function of the nou-darake gene is lost, brain cells grow throughout the planarian's body
(p-3.jpg ^ 152KB)
PHOTO RNAi injection
Injection of RNA molecules into the planarian body, used to "knock down" gene expression
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PHOTO Planarian
Wild type planarian
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MOVIE Nuclear transfer
Nuclear transfer using a micromanipulator
(m-1.avi ^ 2.6MB ^ 41•b)
PHOTO Cloned mice
Mouse cloned using the nucleus from a tail-tip cell
(m-2.jpg ^ 164KB)
PHOTO Defects of cloned mice 1
The cloned mouse embryo (A) has a larger placenta than normal (B)
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PHOTO Defects of cloned mice 2
Cloned mice tend to obesity
(m-4.jpg ^ 212KB)
PHOTO Knockout mice
The deletion of a single gene results in a smaller phenotype(left) than wild type (right)
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PHOTO Micromanipulation
The micropmanipulate makes it possible to work with cells and embryos under a microscope
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PHOTO Drosophila experiment
Anesthetizing fruit flies using carbon dioxide gas
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PHOTO Drosophila experiment 2
Sorting male and female flies, and mutant phenotypes, under a microscope
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PHOTO Drosophila mutant
Mutation of a single gene (Antennapedia) causes legs to grow where antenna normally do
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PHOTO Drosophila adult
Normal (wild type) Drosophila adult
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PHOTO Turtle shell formation
Bones corresponding to the ribs in other species form the shell in the turtle
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PHOTO Turtle embryo
Turtle embryonic development
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PHOTO Chinese soft-shelled turtle
Young Chinese soft-shelled turtle and its skeletal pattern
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PHOTO Zebrafish skin pattern
Skin pigment cells create the zebrafish's striped skin pattern
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PHOTO Three types of patterns seen on fish
Simulation of generation of animal skin patterns (using the reaction-diffusion model)
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PHOTO Angelfish
Stripes on the skin of an angelfish
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PHOTO Changes in patterns
Simulation of changes in skin pattern accompanying growth of the animal (reaction-diffusion model)
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PHOTO Reconstitution of zebrafish skin pattern (before)
Pigment cells form the zebrafish skin pattern
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PHOTO Reconstitution of zebrafish skin pattern (during)
Destruction of pigment cells using a laser
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PHOTO Reconstitution of zebrafish skin pattern (after)
Reconstitution of patterns. Compare results of simulation and real skin pattern.
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PHOTO Zebrafish
Normal (wild type) zebrafish adult
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PHOTO Sensory neurons
Sensory neurons derived from primate ES cells
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PHOTO Dopaminergic neurons
Dopaminergic neurons derived from mouse ES cells
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PHOTO Motor neurons
Motor neurons derived from primate ES cells
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PHOTO RNA injection 1
RNA injection into an early frog embryo under a microscope
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PHOTO RNA injection 2
RNA injection into an early frog embryo under a microscope
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PHOTO RNA injection 3
RNA injection into an early frog embryo under a microscope
(a-6.jpg ^ 136KB)
PHOTO GFP tadpole
GFP (fluorescent protein) used to identify the areas of expression of a target gene
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PHOTO GFP tadpole 2
GFP (fluorescent protein) used to identify the areas of expression of a target gene
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PHOTO Tadpole (wild type)
Normal (wild type) tadpole
(a-9.jpg ^ 100KB)
PHOTO Tadpole (secondary embryo)
Transfection of a certain gene causes development of a secondary embryo
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PHOTO Animal cap
The Xenopus animal cap is used to study induction factors
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PHOTO Dorsal mesoderm
Dorsal mesoderm induced by exogenous factors from the animal cap
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PHOTO Xenopus laevis
The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) is widely used in developmental biology research
(a-13.jpg ^ 200KB)
MOVIE Roundworm embryogenesis
Development of the roundworm, C. elegans.
(c-1.avi ^ 6.3MB ^ 66•b)
MOVIE C. elegans (Wild type)
Normal (wild type) roundworm adult
(c-3.avi ^ 5MB ^ 18•b)
MOVIE C. elegans (Mutant1)
Mutants for the rol-1 gene developmnt an abnormal cuticle (skin) and curl into coils
(c-4.avi ^ 3.6MB ^ 12•b)
MOVIE C. elegans (Mutant2)
Mutants for the gene unc-8 have abnormal nervous system function, and move in a amusing manner
(c-5.avi ^ 8.7MB ^ 32•b)
MOVIE C. elegans (Mutant3)
Mutants for the gene dpy-3 suffer abnormalities in cuticle (skin) development and are smaller than wild type worms
(c-6.avi ^ 4.9MB ^ 17•b)
PHOTO C. elegans experiment
Observation of C. elegans under a microscope
(c-7.jpg ^ 188KB)
PHOTO C. elegans experiment 2
Selection of C. elegans under a microscope
(c-9.jpg ^ 200KB)
MOVIE Chicken embryogenesis
Chicken embryonic development
(ch-1.avi ^ 3.9MB ^ 29•b)
PHOTO Chicken embryo experiment
It is possible to observe and manipulate the chicken embryo through a hold made in the eggshell
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PHOTO Somitogenesis in chicken embryo
Somites develop in pairs in a head-downwards direction
(ch-3.jpg ^ 80KB)
PHOTO Gene transfection and embryo manipulation
Somites expressing a target gene from one embryo are transplanted into a different embryo
(ch-4.jpg ^ 216KB)
MOVIE Mouse ES cells
Proliferating mouse ES cells
(e-1.avi ^ 3.1MB ^ 20•b)
MOVIE Inducing differentiation of mouse ES cells
Mouse ES cells that have been induced to differentiate into blood vessel cells
(e-2.avi ^ 5.5MB ^ 54•b)
PHOTO Cell sorter
Cell sorters make it possible to isolate cells of a single type
(e-3.jpg ^ 160KB)
MOVIE Cell experimentation lab
Isolation of a single cell
(e-4.avi ^ 1.9MB ^ 10•b)
PHOTO Fission yeast 1
Fission yeast is useful for the study of chromosome structure and the cell cycle
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PHOTO Fission yeast 2
Fission yeast is useful for the study of chromosome structure and the cell cycle (the yeast shown here is fluorescence stained)
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Illust. Newt 1
Newts are used to study regeneration
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Illust. Newt 2
Newts are used to study regeneration
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Illust. African clawed frog
The African clawed frog has been used to study development for many years
(i-3.jpg ^ 84KB)
Illust. Chinese soft-shelled turtle
The development of the turtle carapace is used as a model system at the CDB to study evolution
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Illust. Zebrafish
The zebrafish provides a good vertebrate model for use in mutant screens and analysis of knockdown phenotypes
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Illust. Drosophila
The fruit fly Drosophila is widely used to study genetics
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Illust. Chicken (chick)
The chicken has a long history of use in the study of embryology
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Illust. Planarian
Planarians are used to study regeneration and stem cell biology
(i-8.jpg ^ 60KB)
Illust. Planarian (section)
When a planarian is cut into pieces, each piece can regenerate into a whole new animal
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Illust. Planarian (regeneration)
When a planarian is cut into pieces, each piece can regenerate into a whole new animal
(i-10.jpg ^ 64KB)
Illust. Mouse
The mouse provides a mammalian model that is very similar in biological terms to the human and is used in many genetic studies
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Illust. Phylogenetic tree
Changes in developmentally important genes have led to the
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Illust. Human
The 60 trillion cells that make up the human body share many features with those of other animals
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Illust. C. elegans
Developmental processes can be observed directly in the transparent body of this 1mm long roundworm
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Illust. Cell
Structure of the animal cell
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Illust. DNA
The DNA molecule carries genetic information encoded in sequences of nucleotides (A, G, T, C)
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Illust. ES cells
Embryonic stem (ES) cells can differentiate into any type of cell in the body
(i-17.jpg ^ 100KB)
Illust. Insulin-producing beta cells
Insulin-producing beta cells have been derived from mouse ES cells; it is hoped that one day similar cells might be used to treat diabetes
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Illust. Muscle cells
Heart muscles cells have also been derived from mouse ES cells
(i-19.jpg ^ 68KB)
Illust. Use of stem cells in medicine
One day, embryonic and adult stem cells may be used to produce cells of specific types useful in treating human diseases
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Illust. Red blood cells
Red blood cells carry oxygen to and waste products away from the body's other cells
(i-21.jpg ^ 72KB)
Illust. Neurons
Different types of neurons can be generated from mouse ES cells
(i-22.jpg ^ 108KB)
Illust. Fertilized egg
Every human life began as a single fertlized egg
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Illust. Division of the egg (2-cell stage)
The egg divides to produce more and more cells
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Illust. Division of the egg (4-cell stage)
The egg divides to produce more and more cells
(i-25.jpg ^ 132KB)
Illust. Embryo
The embro develops through the processes of cell division and morphogenesis
(i-26.jpg ^ 112KB)