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Positions for Research Scientists in Epithelial Morphogenesis Team
Team Leader: Dr. Yu-Chiun Wang
yResearch Fieldz
The laboratory for epithelial morphogenesis at Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan, studies the fundamental questions regarding three-dimensional tissue construction during animal development. We aim at understanding how cells respond to developmental signals to alter their shape and how changes in individual cells collectively contribute to the formation and remodeling of complex tissue structures. Using Drosophila melanogaster as the model organism, we are investigating several crucial questions concerning two novel molecular mechanisms for the bending and invagination of the epithelial tissues that we recently identified [Nature 484 (7394): 390-393; Developmental Cell 25(3): 299-309]. Specifically, we are interested in a) how modifications in cell polarity alter cell surface mechanics to trigger cell shape changes and b) how remodeling of cell-cell adhesive complex produces and coordinates forces that drive tissue invagination. We employ an integrated approach of developmental genetics, cell biology, genomics, proteomics and quantitative live imaging and continue to develop novel tools for visualization and quantitation of cellular dynamics and cell surface mechanics in living embryos. We expect our work to make important contributions to our basic understanding of the genesis and evolution of animal morphology. For detailed description of our projects please visit:

yJob title, Job description, Qualificationz
Research scientist (postdoctoral fellow)
We seek to identify individuals who are highly motivated and share a passion for scientific discovery to join this interactive, interdisciplinary and international team. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. degree in the relevant field at the time of start. Accomplished scientists who have published high impact work in the traditional disciplines of cell and developmental biology are highly desirable. We are also interested in working with cross-disciplinary scientists who specialize in biophysics, computational biology, biomechanics and mechanical engineering. RIKEN CDB, located near the western center of Japan, is a world-leading research institute in the field of developmental biology. The Center provides a collegial and supportive environment, and conducts all necessary communications in English. The institute is thus ideal for Japanese scientists who wish to improve scientific fluency in an international environment and for non-Japanese scientists who desire an exciting intellectual experience that is also culturally distinct and enriching. Information concerning research and life in Japan and RIKEN can be found at: and and

yWork location and environmentz
Address: Minatojima-minamimachi 2-2-3, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 650-0047, Japan
Successful candidates will receive an excellent salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. CDB provides a truly international, collegial, and supportive environment for its nearly thirty laboratories, and the resources to pursue their research toward deeper understanding of developmental biology.

ySalary and benefitsz
Full-time position with an annually renewable contract up to 5 years based on the evaluation. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied. Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai). Days off include weekends, public holidays, New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 - Jan 3), and RIKEN Foundation Day.
These and other provisions are in accordance with RIKEN regulations.
Also, eligible for an exemption from repayment for category 1 scholarship loans provided by the Japan Student Services Organization before fiscal year 2003, and eligible applying for the MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi).

yApplication and required documentsz
Required application package
1. Cover letter stating the reasons for applying, potential ideas for the future projects and a general scientific vision for questions that this lab studies
2. A brief statement outlining general research interests, prior research accomplishments and future career and scientific objectives
3. Curriculum vitae with a list of publications
4. Three letters of recommendation to be sent directly from the referees
Please write all documents in English.
Application package is not returnable.


Applications are now being accepted. Positions will remain open until suitable candidates are appointed.

[Handling Personal Data]
Handling of Personal Data: All private data sent to RIKEN in application for employment is handled in strict confidentiality, and such data is not utilized for any other purpose or disclosed to any third party. Application documents will not be returned.

ySelection processz
Selection will be made based on application screening and interviews.

yStart of Employmentz
Start date is negotiable.

ySend application toz
Please send application by email or mail to:
Address: 2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan
RIKEN Kobe branch, Kobe Administrative Division
Kobe Human Resources Section

yContact Informationz
Please send the application package or further inquiries via email to:
Yu-Chiun Wang, Ph.D.