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Past Seminars:

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  Date/Time Speaker Title Venue
2010-12-21 15:30-16:30 Toshie Kai
Nuage: birth and beyond of germline piRNA Seminar Room A7F
2010-12-13 16:00-17:00 Ildikó Somorjai
Extensive regeneration ability in Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) provides insight into the evolution of chordate regeneration processes. Auditorium C1F
2010-12-09 11:00-12:00 Hyung Don Ryoo
Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in Drosophila Seminar Room A7F
2010-12-01 16:00-17:00 Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino
DnaA and the timing of chromosome replication in E.coli. A systems biology modeling approach. Auditorium C1F
2010-11-15 16:00-17:00 Manuel Irimia
Stepwise Assembly of a Tissue-specific Network in the Vertebrate Brain Auditorium C1F
2010-11-11 16:00-17:00 Juergen A. Knoblich
Asymmetric cell division and tumorigenesis in Drosophila neural stem cell lineages Auditorium C1F
2010-11-08 16:00-17:00 Kazunari Miyamichi
Cortical representation of olfactory bulb input revealed by retrograde mono-transsynaptic labeling Seminar Room A7F
2010-11-04 16:00-17:00 Frieder Schoeck
Integrin activation and cytoskeletal remodeling mediated by LIM domain proteins Seminar Room A7F
2010-10-04 16:00-17:00 Ayelet Dar-Oaknin
Derivation of scalable vasculogenic precursors from human pluripotent stem cells during the onset of vasculogenesis Seminar Room A7F
2010-09-29 16:00-17:00 Timm Schroeder
Tracking stem cells at the single cell level: New tools for old questions Seminar Room A7F
2010-09-01 16:00-17:00 Robert O. Heuckeroth
Pattern formation in enteric nervous system development: Building a complex nervous system and human disease mechanisms Auditorium C1F
2010-08-23 15:00-16:00 Florent Ginhoux
Fate mapping studies reveal that adult microglia derive from primitive macrophages Auditorium C1F
2010-08-23 16:00-17:00 Nancy Manley
All paths lead to the thymus: a cross-species genetic analysis of Hoxa3 function. Auditorium C1F
2010-08-23 17:00-18:00 Mitsuo Oshimura
Human artificial chromosome meets stem cells Auditorium C1F
2010-08-03 15:00-16:00 Andreas Trumpp
Dormancy in normal and malignant stem cells Seminar Room A7F
2010-08-02 16:00-17:00 Arthur Millius
Chemotaxis in gradients: how a cell knows when to move and turn Auditorium C1F
2010-07-30 16:00-17:00 Masato Yoshizawa
Evolution of a novel behavior mediated by the lateral line system adapts blind cavefish to life in darkness Seminar Room A7F
2010-07-29 16:00-17:00 Shinji Ihara
Basement membrane movement breaks tissue boundaries during uterine-vulval attachment in C.elegans Seminar Room A7F
2010-07-20 16:00-17:00 Koji Kojima
Exploring the Creation of a Tissue Engineered Trachea -Keeping our eyes towards the clinical world Auditorium C1F
2010-07-07 16:00-17:00 Claire Ann Canning
Wnts and Fgfs, via AKT and MAPK, direct discrete aspects of trigeminal placode development Seminar Room A7F
2010-06-28 16:00-17:00 Philippa Francis-West
Developmental roles of Dchs1-Fat4 signaling in mice Seminar Room A7F
2010-06-25 16:00-17:00 Roel Nusse
Wnt signals during stem cell self-renewal and tissue repair Auditorium C1F
2010-06-24 16:00-17:00 Parker B. Antin
FGF signaling during avian gastrulation and mesoderm lineage diversification Auditorium C1F
2010-06-17 16:00-17:30 Don Newgreen / Kerry Landman
Rules for Enteric Nervous System Assembly—Biological and Mathematical Insights Auditorium C1F
2010-05-20 13:30-15:00 Marius Messerli
[Technical Seminar hosted by Optical Image Analysis Unit] Multi-D image analysis software Seminar Room A7F
2010-05-18 16:00-17:00 Fumio Motegi
Microtubules break symmetry in C. elegans zygotes by protecting PAR-2 from cortical exclusion by PKC-3 kinase Seminar Room A7F
2010-05-17 16:00-17:00 Hisataka Sabe
Tumor cell dormancy and recurrence: a view from EMT Auditorium C1F
2010-05-13 16:00-17:00 Philip Britz-McKibbin
Differential Metabolomics for Assessment of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Pretreatment in Strenuous Exercise: A Quantitative Model of Oxidative Stress Inhibition for Fatigue Reduction Auditorium C1F
2010-05-07 16:00-17:00 Katherine Brown
Behind the Scenes of Scientific Publishing Auditorium C1F
2010-04-02 16:00-17:00 Shin-ichiro Kitajiri
TRIOBP: a novel actin bundler that generates resilient rootlets of inner ear hair cell stereocilia Seminar Room A7F
2010-04-01 16:30-17:30 Stephen Minger
Therapeutic and Research Potential of Human Stem Cells - How GE sees the future of stem cells - Auditorium C1F
2010-03-26 16:00-17:00 Dr. Heiko Lickert
Identification and analysis of novel Spemann/Mangold organizer genes Auditorium C1F
2010-03-19 13:30-14:30 Rafal Ciosk
Translational control of the self-renewal versus differentiation decision in the germ line Seminar Room A7F
2010-03-18 15:00-16:00 Vernadeth B. Alarcon
Cell polarity regulator Pard6b is essential for trophectoderm formation in the preimplantation mouse embryo Auditorium C1F
2010-03-18 16:00-17:00 Yusuke Marikawa
Molecular analyses of mouse mesoderm formation and axial elongation morphogenesis using embryonal carcinoma cells Auditorium C1F
2010-03-15 14:00-15:00 John Rubenstein
FGF Regulation of Cortical Patterning Auditorium C1F
2010-03-04 16:00-17:00 Hiroshi Kawabe
Regulation of Rap2A by the Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4-1 Controls Neurite Development Seminar Room A7F
2010-03-03 16:00-17:00 Gerald Schatten
2010-02-15 16:00-17:00 Thomas Friedman
Targeted capture and next-generation sequencing identifies TPRN, encoding TAPERIN, as the mutated gene in nonsyndromic human deafness DFNB79 Auditorium C1F
2010-01-28 16:00-17:00 Kazu Kikuchi
Primary contribution to zebrafish heart regeneration by a subpopulation of cardiomyocytes Seminar Room A7F
2010-01-26 16:00-17:00 Guangshuo Ou
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of C. elegans Q Neuroblast Development Seminar Room A7F
2010-01-25 13:30-14:30 Erina Kuranaga
Role of cell death for completion of organogenesis within developmental time window Seminar Room A7F
2010-01-25 16:00-17:00 Bertrand Pain
Chicken embryonic stem cells (cESC) as a non-mammalian embryonic stem cell model Auditorium C1F
2010-01-21 16:00-17:00 Rich Schneider
Mechanisms of Musculoskeletal Patterning and Integration During Craniofacial Development Auditorium C1F
2010-01-20 14:00-15:00 Kevin Eggan
Using Stem Cells and Reprogramming to Study ALS Auditorium C1F
2010-01-15 13:30-14:30 Andrew Singson
Gamete activation and interactions required for reproductive success in C. elegans. Seminar Room A7F
2010-01-13 16:30-17:30 Masanori Nakayama
Regulation of VEGF-induced angiogenesis by receptor endocytosis Seminar Room A7F
2010-01-07 16:00-17:00 Yoshiko Inoue
Stoichiometry of the integrin adhesion complex in Drosophila tissues Seminar Room A7F
list of future seminars Future Seminars