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Date and Time: 2014-04-11 16:00 - 17:00
Venue: Seminar Room A7F
Speaker: Yosuke Mukoyama (Yoh-suke Mukouyama)
Laboratory of Stem Cell and Neuro-Vascular Biology, Genetics and Developmental Biology Center, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
Title: Patterning mechanisms responsible for generating neurovascular network during organogenesis
Poster:click here to download (PDF)
Host: Morimoto Mitsuru
Summary :Branching morphogenesis is a fundamental attribute of many organ systems.
The central theme of my laboratory's research program is to uncover the molecular control of the morphological processes underlying the architectural and stereotypical pattern of tubular branching networks. As examples of highly informative model systems, we have focused our studies on two vital tubular networks, the vascular and nervous systems, which share several anatomical and functional characteristics, and are often patterned similarly in peripheral tissues. Our recent discoveries and ongoing studies highlight the cellular dynamics and molecular mechanisms underlying i) the neuronal signals such as angiogenic factor VEGF-A and chemokine CXCL12 on arterial differentiation and branching pattern and ii) the vascular signals such as NGF on neuronal guidance. These studies provide a unique concept in branching morphogenesis and patterning: blood vessels and nerves take advantage of one another to follow the same path given that these two networks integrate into the various tissues of the body.

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