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Date and Time: 2007-03-01 16:00:00 - 17:00:00
Venue: Seminar Room A7F
Speaker: Akiko Nishiyama
Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, University of Connecticut
Title: NG2 glia (polydendrocytes): their function and lineage
Poster:click here to download (PDF)
Host: Toru Kondo
Summary :NG2 glia, also called polydendrocytes, represent a fourth major glial population in the central nervous system that is distinct from astrocytes, microglia, mature oligodendrocytes, and neurons. It is widely accepted that they generate oligodendrocytes. However, it is currently debated as to whether they are lineage committed precursor cells or multipotent cells. In addition to serving as glial precursors, they also appear to be an integral part of the neural circuit. I would like to present some recent findings on the lineage and function of NG2 glia and discuss their role in the central nervous system.

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