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Date and Time: 2006-09-13 16:00:00 - 17:00:00
Venue: Seminar Room A7F
Speaker: Sheng Ding
Deptartments of Chemistry and Cell Biology, The Scripps Research Institute
Title: Chemical and Functional Genomic Approaches Toward Regenerative Medicine
Poster:click here to download (PDF)
Host: Takumi Era
Summary :Recent advances in stem cell biology may make possible new approaches for the treatment of a number of diseases. Such approaches could involve cell replacement therapy and/or drug treatment to stimulate the bodys own regenerative capabilities. These two approaches will require identification of renewable cell sources of functional cells, an improved ability to manipulate stem cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as a better understanding of the signaling pathways that control their fate. Cell-based phenotypic and pathway-specific screens of synthetic compounds have recently provided a number of small molecules that can be used to selectively control stem cell fate. Such molecules will likely provide new insights into stem cell biology, and may ultimately contribute to effective medicines for tissue repair and regeneration.

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