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Report of Advisory Council

Report of Advisory Council 2001 [ APRIL, 2001 ]
The CDB established the CDB Advisory Council (CDBAC) in order to obtain a wide range of advice on management, programs, methods and research results, and also to perform an overall evaluation of the CDB.

The council, which is chaired by Dr. Igor Dawid from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in the Uninted States, is composed of 10 experts of established academic standing from both inside and outside Japan.

The first review of the CDBAC was made by correspondence in March, 2001. Dr. Dawid compiled the final report reflecting the views of other AC members, which was submitted to Dr. Takeichi, Director of CDB, in April. The full text of the report is shown below.

Next time, the CDBAC will be held at Kobe, Port Island in the end of April, 2002.

Advisory Council Report
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
April 6, 2001