2008 Open House draws the curious |

May 12, 2008 – The CDB held its annual Open House on Saturday, May 10, welcoming more than 1,000 visitors to learn about the Center’s research ongoing projects and recent achievements through a variety of exhibitions and activities. In the morning, CDB Group Director Shigeo Hayashi (Laboratory for Morphogenetic Signaling) gave a talk on “Learning about development and regeneration from insects.” Two themed exhibits on “Development and Disease” and “Head and Brain Patterning” gave guests the opportunity to speak with researchers about their work and how CDB research connects to “big picture” academic and healthcare issues.
A young visitor getting the feel for work in a research lab. |
Three CDB labs opened their doors to the public, allowing visitors to have a firsthand look at zebrafish engineered to glow under ultraviolet light (using a transgene for a fluorescent protein) and living chicken embryos. Other model organisms used in embryological and regeneration studies were on display as well, including Drosophila fruit flies, planarian flatworms and C. elegans nematodes. A number of activities especially for kids, including a quiz rally, biology-themed arts and crafts corners, and a scientific image exhibition offered something for every generation.
This year’s Open House was held in conjunction with the RIKEN Molecular Imaging Research Program and the city of Kobe’s Medical Industry Research Project, and drew people from around the Kansai region of western Japan.
A development and regeneration themed Infiorata Kobe sidewalk art made with flower petals, created by the Sentan Iryo to Shimin no Kyodo Iinkai (a committee organized to coordinate activities between citizens and the biomedical research community). |