Asian Reproductive Biotechnology meeting draws scientists from across region |

November 12, 2005 – The RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (Kobe, Japan) co-hosted the second Asian Reproductive Biotechnology (ARB) conference in Bangkok, Thailand in close cooperation with the Suranaree University of Technology and the Thailand Research fund. The meeting, which took place from November 3 to 7, was attended by nearly 200 researchers, exhibitors and dignitaries from Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan, as well as a number of scientists from the CDB and other labs across Japan.

Participants in the 2nd Asian Reproductive Biotechnology conference |
Both the scientific steering committee and the local organization of the event were headed by Professor Rangsun Parnpai of the Suranaree University of Technology Embryo Technology and Stem Cell Research Center. Dr. Nguyen Van Thuan of the CDB Lab for Genomic Reprogramming (Team Leader; Teruhiko Wakayama) also helped to coordinate the meeting program, which featured such renowned speakers as Woo-suk Hwang of Seoul National University (South Korea), Anthony Chan of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center and Emory University Medical School (USA) and Cindy Yang, from the University of Connecticut Center for Regenerative Biology (USA).
Another of the meeting’s highlights was a hands-on demonstration of piezo-actuated micromanipulation techniques by Drs. Wakayama and Thuan. Participants in the workshop first watched as Dr. Wakayama removed nuclei from oocytes, then got a chance to try for themselves on equipment especially set up for the meeting attendees.
Next year’s ARB will be held in November in Hanoi, Vietnam.