January 13, 2005
– Masatoshi
Takeichi, director of the RIKEN Kobe Institute and Center for Developmental
Biology (Kobe, Japan) was named today as one of this year’s
three Japan Prize honorees. This is the 21st year that these prestigious
prizes, which are sometimes called the Japanese Nobels, have been
awarded by the Science and Technology Foundation of Japan (JSTF)
to recognize "people from all parts of the world whose original
and outstanding achievements in science and technology are recognized
as having advanced the frontiers of knowledge and served the cause
of peace and prosperity for mankind.”
Masatoshi Takeichi, Center
Director, RIKEN CDB |
Dr. Takeichi was awarded for his work in the field of
cellular adhesion, the processes by which individual cells are able
to recognize other cells and form selective bonds with their appropriate
counterparts. His identification of the first members of the cadherin
family of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecules was a breakthrough
that has allowed scientists to investigate in great detail the mechanisms
by which complex multicellular structures form and hold together.
He shared this year’s prize in cell biology with Dr. Erkki
Ruoslahti of the Burnham Institute (La Jolla, California, USA),
who has also made fundamental advances in the study of cell adhesion
and cancer biology. Dr Makoto Nagao was the third japan Prize laureate
this year, in the field of Information and Media Technology.
The presentation ceremony will be held in April 2005, in Tokyo
as part of the “Japan Prize Week.” The Prize for each
field includes a cash award of 50 million yen.