Robb Krumlauf is the Scientific Director of the Stowers Institute for Medical
Research in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Dr. Krumlauf received degrees in
chemical engineering (B.Ch.E., ‘70) and developmental biology (Ph.D., ‘79).
Following postdoctoral training with Shirley Tilghman in mouse genetics,
Dr. Krumlauf was a group leader and Head of the Division of Developmental
Neurobiology at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London
(1985-2000). Dr. Robb Krumlauf’s laboratory is interested in understanding the gene
regulatory networks and pathways that govern patterning of the nervous
system and body plan of vertebrates during development; how they are altered
in human diseases; and how these pathways are conserved or modified in
evolution. A molecular focus of the group has centered on the Hox homeobox
gene network in head development. Using evolutionary comparisons between
the Hox complexes of different species, combined with experimental embryology
and transgenic analyses, the group has begun to build a picture of the
tissue interactions, signals and transcriptional regulatory components
which governs the restricted expression and functional properties of the
Hox cascade. A major goal of the group is to understand the cis-regulatory circuits that control the Hox regulatory networks in vertebrate
segmentation and development.