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Past Events
Until 2013
RIKEN Events
Past Events
2008-12-24 16:00-17:00
Akira Ogawa
Nematode Dauer Formation as a Case Study for Evolution of Developmental Plasticity
Seminar Room A7F
2008-12-09 16:00-17:00
Hossein Baharvand
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research at Royan Institute
Seminar Room A7F
2008-12-08 13:30-14:30
Phong T. Tran
Microtubules, microfluidics, and cell shape
Seminar Room A7F
2008-12-08 14:45-15:15
Kyoko Okada
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) Protein Directly Nucleates Actin Assembly by a Novel Mechanism
Seminar Room A7F
2008-12-08 15:15-15:45
Dan W. Nowakowski
Biologists in the Director's Chair: Communicating with Maya Animation Software
Seminar Room A7F
2008-12-05 16:30-17:30
Victor Tarabykin
Molecular control of cell fate specification in the cerebral cortex
Auditorium C1F
2008-12-03 14:00-15:00
Jonas Frisén
Neural stem cells and neurogenesis in the adult central nervous system
Auditorium C1F
2008-12-03 16:00-17:00
Peter W. Andrews
Population Dynamics f Human ES Cell Cultures: Self-Renewal, Adaptation and Cancer
Seminar Room A7F
2008-12-02 14:00-15:00
Goichi Miyoshi
Defining the spatiotemporal origins of GABAergic cortical interneuron subtypes
Seminar Room A7F
2008-11-19 16:00-17:00
Dr Julianne Smith
Meganucleases with tailored specificities for genome engineering purposes
Seminar Room A7F
2008-11-14 16:00-17:00
Xi He
Understanding Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in development and disease
Auditorium C1F
2008-11-13 16:00-17:30
Joel D. Richter
Translational Control of Cellular Senescence
Auditorium C1F
2008-11-10 11:00-12:00
Robert Ho
The role of lineage and cell interactions in the specification of blood stem cell fate during embryonic development of the zebrafish.
Auditorium C1F
2008-11-10 16:00-17:00
Victoria Prince
Using Zebrafish to study pancreas development
Auditorium C1F
2008-10-31 16:00-17:00
Nobuyasu Maki
Nuclear regulation during newt lens regeneration
Seminar Room C6F
2008-09-22 16:00-17:00
Dr. Robin Lovell-Badge, FRS
Intrinsic factors controlling neural stem cell properties: a tale of two Sox genes.
Auditorium C1F
2008-09-11 16:00-17:00
Ryohei Sekido
Sex determination and the role of SRY
Seminar Room A7F
2008-09-05 16:00-17:00
Paul Sternberg
Chemicals and Neurons Controlling Nematode Behavior
Seminar Room A7F
2008-09-05 17:30-18:30
Katrina Kelner
Scientific Publishing, Choices and Challenges
Auditorium C1F
2008-07-24 11:00-12:00
Dr. Mylene Yao
[Technical Seminar] Novel Role of Pluripotency Regulators in the Early Embryo
Seminar room A2F
2008-07-22 16:00-17:00
Tadahiro Iimura
Regulation and function of Hox genes during chick paraxial mesoderm development
Auditorium C1F
2008-07-16 16:00-17:00
Tomoya Matsumoto
Biosynthesis and processing of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in CNS neurons
Seminar Room A7F
2008-07-15 16:00-17:00
Eric Huang
Life and Death in Dopamine Neurons – Insights from TGFbeta-HIPK2 Signaling Pathway
Auditorium C1F
2008-07-07 16:00-17:00
Carlos Ibanez
Trophic Factor Signaling in the Nervous System
Auditorium C1F
2008-07-02 14:30-15:30
Erik Nystrom (Application Specialist)
[Technical Seminar] Visualization of protein interactions and post translational modifications using Duolink
Seminar Room A7F
2008-07-02 16:00-17:00
Dr. Harvey T. McMahon
Sculpting Cell Membranes: Understanding pathways of endocytosis and exocytosis
Auditorium C1F
2008-06-12 16:00-17:00
Sachiko Tsukita
Characteristics of Epithelial Intercellular Adhesion and Cell Proliferation
Seminar Room A7F
2008-06-06 10:00-11:00
Atsushi Nakano
Multipotency of early and late Isl1+ cardiac progenitors
Seminar Room A7F
2008-06-04 14:00-15:00
Takehito Uruno
Molecular interactions among actin associated proteins that generate cortical actin dynamics in eukaryotic cells
Seminar Room A5F
2008-06-02 14:00-15:00
Professor Eddy M. De Robertis, M.D., Ph.D.
Integrating positional information in Xenopus and Drosophila embryos
Auditorium C1F
2008-06-02 16:00-17:00
Lila Solnica-Krezel
The Role of Transcription Factor Six3 in Forebrain Development
Auditorium C1F
2008-05-19 16:00-17:00
Toshihiko Ogura
Physical forces generated by cells and sensed by cells
Auditorium C1F
2008-05-13 09:45-10:45
Graham Jenkin
Introduction of the Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories
IBRI 3F Seminar Room in Nishikawa Lab.
2008-05-12 16:00-17:00
Cheng-Ming Chuong
Macro- and Micro- environmental regulation of ectodermal organ stem cells
Auditorium C1F
2008-05-08 10:00-11:00
Noriko Yasuhara
Nuclear transport as a regulator of cell differentiation
Seminar Room A7F
2008-05-08 13:00-14:00
Toshihiko Fujimori
Analysis of axis formation by observing the cell behaviors during the early mouse development
Seminar Room A7F
2008-05-08 15:00-16:00
Shosei Yoshida
Spermatogenic-Stem-Cell System and its Spatiotemporal Regulation in the Mouse Testis
Seminar Room A7F
2008-04-30 16:00-17:00
Hirofumi Sakaguchi
Mechanosensory Tip-link is an Asymmetric Filament with Cadherin 23 and Protocadherin 15 at Opposite Ends
Auditorium C1F
2008-04-23 16:00-17:00
Miho Ohsugi
Kid-Mediated Anaphase Chromosome Compaction Safeguards Mouse Early Embryos Against Multinuclear Formation
Seminar Room A7F
2008-04-17 13:30-15:00
Yojiro Yamanaka
Live imaging analysis of morphogenesis and lineage formation in the early mouse embryo
Auditorium C1F
2008-04-17 16:00-17:00
Ilya Grigoriev
Molecular motors, adaptor proteins and Rab GTPases control vesicle movements along microtubules
Seminar Room A7F
2008-04-15 16:00-17:00
Pierre Vanderhaeghen
From Stem Cells to Neuronal Networks, from Mouse to Man: Genetic Mechanisms of Development and Evolution of the Cerebral Cortex
Auditorium C1F
2008-04-14 16:00-17:00
John Gurdon
The 22nd Distinguished Lecture Series "Transcriptional Reprogramming and Epigenetic Memory in Nuclear Transfer Experiments"
Auditorium C1F
2008-04-01 13:30-14:30
Hiroaki Iwasa
RNAi screens for novel candidate insulin receptor-like proteins turned up an unexpected role of EGF signaling in aging
Seminar Room A7F
2008-04-01 16:00-17:00
Annette Markus
Getting published in Nature Neuroscience
Auditorium C1F
2008-03-10 13:30-15:00
Mukesh K. Jain
Kruppel-like factors: Key molecular regulators of cardiovascular biology
Auditorium C1F
2008-02-07 16:30-17:30
Suvarna Gandlur
Technical Seminar "ProteoTuner
systems: The new revolutionary tool to analyze your Protein function"
Seminar Room A7F
2008-02-01 16:00-17:00
Greg Beitel
Drosophila as a model for investigating obstructive pulmonary diseases:Suppression of NF-kB-mediated innate immune responses in flies and humans by elevated CO2 levels (hypercapnia)
Auditorium C1F
2008-02-01 17:00-18:00
David J. Miller
Genome evolution and the origins of the innate immune repertoire: insights from the coral Acropora and other "lower" animals
Auditorium C1F
2008-01-10 13:00-14:00
Kiyo Sakagami
[Seminar Supported by Lab for Eary Embryogenesis] Regulation of Cell Cycle and Cell Fate by Hedgehog Signals during Mouse Retinal Development
Auditorium C1F
2008-01-09 16:00-17:00
Yoshihide Hayashizaki
FANTOM and Genome-wide Technologies
Seminar Room A7F