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Date and Time 2013-02-07 16:00 - 17:00
Venue Seminar Room A7F
Speaker Joaquín de Navascués
Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge
Title Insights into intestinal homeostasis from Drosophila: stochastic fate allocation and stress-induced exit from quiescence
Poster click here to download (PDF)
Host Hayashi Shigeo
Summary The homeostatic maintenance of intestinal epithelium is subject of interest due to its medical relevance and its value as a model for studying stem cell function. For decades, intestinal homeostasis has been thought to rely on stem cells that divide asymmetrically and to proceed by continuous self-renewal. I will present work showing that the adult Drosophila intestine, previously thought to behave asymmetrically, is maintained through symmetric divisions resolved stochastically, in parallel with recent findings in the mammalian gut. I will also discuss how this behaviour could be molecularly regulated. Finally, I will present evidence that the Drosophila intestine is not in continuous renewal, but rather in a state of quiescence that can be stimulated to division by stress.