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Past Events

Date and Time 2011-05-17 16:00 - 17:00
Venue Seminar Room A7F
Speaker Henrik Semb
Lund University Stem Cell Center, Lund, Sweden
Title Polarity is destiny
Poster click here to download (PDF)
Host Takeichi Masatoshi
Summary Tissue architecture often coincides with cell lineage specification during organ development. Hence, an elementary question is whether these processes are independently controlled, or whether cell specification depends on tissue architecture. To address this fundamental question, we have studied the functional role of the Rho GTPase family members Cdc42 and RhoA in pancreatic epithelial tubulogenesis. Evidence will be presented that Cdc42 and RhoA coordinate tube formation in the developing pancreas, and that tubes control cell fate decisions of multipotent progenitors by providing signalling niches along their “trunk-tip” axis.